ini yang paling aku takutkan disuruh gambar ama deven. pertama gambar tangga.. aaaahh gampil sekutil kayak upil deven langsung tersenyum puas. trs gambar rumah.. ini juga gampil.. alias gampang. terus gambar pohon yang daunnya terbang mi kayak di teletubies.. ini juga gampillll.. aku udah deg-deg-an jangan ampe dia suruh aku gambar genset.. karena deven hapal detail dari genset dan kompresor. salah sedikit bisa tantrum kumat dan bener aja..
deven : mi gamban genset mi
mami : haiiyaaaa.. de mami ga bisa gambar genset
deven : mami bisa... gamban genset mi
mami : (mencoba menggambar genset kotak kotak gitu)
deven : tarikannya mana mi
mami : (garuk2 kepala) tarikan yang mana de.. (langsung lari liat genset dibelakang dimana tarikannya dan gambar garis lurus ujungnya kasih garis)
deven : buat matiinnya mana mi?
mami : hiyaaa.. matiiin yang mana de
deven : tombonnya mi
mami : huaaaa daddy tolongggg (akhirnya ditolongin daddy digambarin genset ditambah gambar deven lagi narik)
deven : sekarang mami yang gamban
mami : kok mami lagi, daddy tuh yg bisa
deven : gamban ucok klapa pautt mi (mesin kelapa parut)
mami : gubrakkk.. huhuhu mami ga bisa de.. daddy aja ya.. mami nyerah. dulu aja mata kuliah gambar teknik mami cuma dapet C. itu juga C kurus dan udah dibantuin kanan kiri kalo ada tugas. daya imaginasi 3 dimensi mami sangat sangat buruk maap ya de...
Deven n Patrice
ancon-nya mana mi...
kemarin minggu dari pagi deven ribut aja minta berenang ga mau sekola minggu berenang aja. karena minggu kemarin mati lampu sekola minggu jd agak ribut ga gelap dan gerah pastinya. jadi deven ingat kali dan bosan. trus mami rayu sekola minggu dulu baru berenang.
dan bener sorenya berenang. tp deven taunya berenang ke ancol. ada kolam mandi bolanya. di kolam renang deket ga ada cuma perosotan. abis berenang makan nasi goreng n mie goreng sambil makan nasi goreng. deven nanya
deven : anconnya mana mi?? benerenang di ancon-nya mana??
mami : tadi kan dede udah berenang?
deven : iya mi.. anconnya mana??
mami : (dalam hati) hhihi apa karena ga ada kolam mandi bolanya ya dia masih ga terima juga kalo berenangnya bukan di ancon.. eh ancol
dan bener sorenya berenang. tp deven taunya berenang ke ancol. ada kolam mandi bolanya. di kolam renang deket ga ada cuma perosotan. abis berenang makan nasi goreng n mie goreng sambil makan nasi goreng. deven nanya
deven : anconnya mana mi?? benerenang di ancon-nya mana??
mami : tadi kan dede udah berenang?
deven : iya mi.. anconnya mana??
mami : (dalam hati) hhihi apa karena ga ada kolam mandi bolanya ya dia masih ga terima juga kalo berenangnya bukan di ancon.. eh ancol
mi.. Tuhan Yesus nya ga pake celana mi.. ga mau mi..
di rumah kakung di bekasi dan yangkung di pondok labu ada gambar Tuhan Yesus disalib yang pake kain aja ga pake celana... dan deven dulu fine fine aja dengan gambar itu. tp karena sekarang dia selalu protes kalo ada yang ga pake celana jadilah dia protes semua gambar Tuhan Yesus disalib yang ga pake celana disuruh dibalik. tapi kalo Tuhan Yesus pake jubah yang mengetok pintu dia ga akan protes. itu Tuhan Yesus pake baju..
deven : mi.. Tuhan Yesus itu ga pake celana mi ga mau dibalik mi. kalo yang itu pake celana mi gapapa mi..
deven : mi.. Tuhan Yesus itu ga pake celana mi ga mau dibalik mi. kalo yang itu pake celana mi gapapa mi..
Ternyata bukan karena kakaknya gemuk disuruh buang keatas tp karena pake baju tank top
di posting yang lalu mami cerita kalo deven minta kakak cewek yang di barney yg lebih gemuk dr yang lain deven ribut mulu disuruh buang keatas kalo ngga buang kebawah.
trus kemarin-kemarin dia blum jelasin kenapa dgn kakak tsb padahal cantik akhirnya deven ngomong lagi.
deven : mi.. dede ga mau kakak itu, buang ke bawah kakak yang itu mi (sambil nunjuk2 kakak yang gemuk n pake tanktop)
mami : emang kenapa kakak yang itu de kan cakep juga de.. cantik
deven : kakak itu pake baju segini (nunjuk pundaknya) dede ga mau..
mami : ooo ya ampun dari kemarin ga mau kakak yang itu bukan karena gemuk tp karena pake baju tanktop.. hehehe.. masih kecil udah ga suka cewek yang bajunya terbuka. kalo ada anak TK pake baju langsung rok juga deven ribut
deven : mba itu ga pake celana mi ga mau.. suruh pake celana mi
mami : itu mba pake seragam TK kayak gitu de
deven : ngga itu ga pake celana ga mau..
hehehe masih kecil deven udah ga suka cewek ber-rok mini dan pake tank top. ayo mba mba ade ade yang naksir deven jangan pake rok pendek dan baju tanktop ya harus pakai pakaian tertutup hehehehe..
trus kemarin-kemarin dia blum jelasin kenapa dgn kakak tsb padahal cantik akhirnya deven ngomong lagi.
deven : mi.. dede ga mau kakak itu, buang ke bawah kakak yang itu mi (sambil nunjuk2 kakak yang gemuk n pake tanktop)
mami : emang kenapa kakak yang itu de kan cakep juga de.. cantik
deven : kakak itu pake baju segini (nunjuk pundaknya) dede ga mau..
mami : ooo ya ampun dari kemarin ga mau kakak yang itu bukan karena gemuk tp karena pake baju tanktop.. hehehe.. masih kecil udah ga suka cewek yang bajunya terbuka. kalo ada anak TK pake baju langsung rok juga deven ribut
deven : mba itu ga pake celana mi ga mau.. suruh pake celana mi
mami : itu mba pake seragam TK kayak gitu de
deven : ngga itu ga pake celana ga mau..
hehehe masih kecil deven udah ga suka cewek ber-rok mini dan pake tank top. ayo mba mba ade ade yang naksir deven jangan pake rok pendek dan baju tanktop ya harus pakai pakaian tertutup hehehehe..
mi.. kakak yang itu ga mau mi.. buang ke atas
dah lama ga posting kata2 deven yg suka ajaib. sekarang dia lagi seneng nontong barney. beli 1 DVD isi 10 cerita barney. tiap mami pulang langsung minta sten barney mi. tp kalo siang ga bisa karena yayinya ga bisa. sedangkan deven maunya yg itu2 aja jd harus pake set time menit keberapa nyetelnya.
setelah keranjingan ama barney pemadam kebakaran, mobil truck, becko, mobil melon (dibilang mobil molen tetap ngotot itu mobil melonnnnn bukan molen)
sekarang lg suka ama lagu barney yg cepet. ada 2 nyanyian yang iramanya sama tp lyric nya beda.
1. oo mcdonald had a farm iya iya yo
and on his farm he had a cow iya iya yo
and momo here, momo there, here mo, there mo everywhere momo
2. friends of barney had a band iya iya yo
and on his band he had a guitar
and twink twink here, twink twink there, here twink, there twink everywhere twink twink
yayi sama kakung udah ga tau stelnya dimana.. dah gitu disuruh nyanyi bhs inggris pd ga bisa. kakung berusaha nyanyi momo mimi momo mimi dan deven teriakk " bukkkaannn bukannn gitu.. salah.. kakung ga jago, mami jago"
terus dia jg suka barney yg bikin sirup jeruk. dia langsung praktek bareng. jd mau makan jeruk deh. nah disitu ada kakak cewek yang agak gemuk. padahal aku ga pernah ajarin dia ga suka sama orang ini atau itu. dia ngomong sendiri
deven : sama kakak yang itu ga suka mi.. dibuang keatas
mami : dibuang gimana de, itu kakak kan cantik.
deven : ngga mi ga suka disuruh pergi kakaknya.. dibuang ke atas
duhh gimana nih bisa gawat kalo dia liat orang lsg bilang ga suka.. kakak itu emang beda dr yang lain lebih gemuk dan besar.
setelah keranjingan ama barney pemadam kebakaran, mobil truck, becko, mobil melon (dibilang mobil molen tetap ngotot itu mobil melonnnnn bukan molen)
sekarang lg suka ama lagu barney yg cepet. ada 2 nyanyian yang iramanya sama tp lyric nya beda.
1. oo mcdonald had a farm iya iya yo
and on his farm he had a cow iya iya yo
and momo here, momo there, here mo, there mo everywhere momo
2. friends of barney had a band iya iya yo
and on his band he had a guitar
and twink twink here, twink twink there, here twink, there twink everywhere twink twink
yayi sama kakung udah ga tau stelnya dimana.. dah gitu disuruh nyanyi bhs inggris pd ga bisa. kakung berusaha nyanyi momo mimi momo mimi dan deven teriakk " bukkkaannn bukannn gitu.. salah.. kakung ga jago, mami jago"
terus dia jg suka barney yg bikin sirup jeruk. dia langsung praktek bareng. jd mau makan jeruk deh. nah disitu ada kakak cewek yang agak gemuk. padahal aku ga pernah ajarin dia ga suka sama orang ini atau itu. dia ngomong sendiri
deven : sama kakak yang itu ga suka mi.. dibuang keatas
mami : dibuang gimana de, itu kakak kan cantik.
deven : ngga mi ga suka disuruh pergi kakaknya.. dibuang ke atas
duhh gimana nih bisa gawat kalo dia liat orang lsg bilang ga suka.. kakak itu emang beda dr yang lain lebih gemuk dan besar.
mohon info MP yang jual baju & perlengkapan pemadam kebakaran anak batita..
mungkin ada yang diantara moms yang menjual baju anak juga menjual baju pemadam kebakaran untuk anak umur 2th? atau ada yang tahu infonya?? atau ada dipasar apa gitu?
terimakasih untuk yang sudah memberi informasi
terimakasih untuk yang sudah memberi informasi
Time Out Guideline - Tatacara Menerapkan Pojok Hukuman Untuk Anak
dapet artikel dari tentang tatacara menerapkan pojok hukuman atau time out. sepertinya aku belum 100% benar menerapkannya. dan mau dicoba tips berikut ini. tapi belum punya kitchen timer nih..
ini artikelnya
Guidelines For Using Time Out With Children and Preteens
source :
Purpose of Time Out Time-out means time out from positive reinforcement (rewarding experiences). It is a procedure used to decrease undesirable behaviors. The main principle of this procedure is to ensure that the individual in time-out is not able to receive any reinforcement for a particular period of time.
How to Use Time Out Effectively:
Time Out Area The time-out area should be easily accessible, and in such a location that the child can be easily monitored while in time-out. For example, if most activity takes place on the first floor of the house, the time-out area should not be on an upper floor. A chair in the corner of the dining room is an excellent spot. Placing a kitchen timer on the table is a good way to keep the child informed of how much time he has left to serve.
Amount of Time Spent in Time Out Generally, it is considered more effective to have short periods of time-out, 5 to 10 minutes, rather than to have long periods, such as half an hour to an hour. Children can fairly quickly begin to use their imagination to turn a boring activity into an interesting one. Children from 2 - 5 years old should receive a 2 to 5 minute time-out. A 6 year old child should probably receive about a 5 minute time-out while a 10 year old child would receive a 10 minute time-out. A general guideline can be: 6-8 years of age, 5 minutes; 8-10 years of age, 10 minutes; 10-14 years of age, 10 to 20 minutes. Some double the time-out period for such offenses as hitting, severe temper tantrums, and destruction of property. (Note: ADHD children may benefit from shorter times than those suggested above).
Specifying Target Behaviors It is very important the child be aware of the behaviors that are targeted for reduction. They should be very concretely defined: for example, hitting means striking someone else’s with the hand or an object, or coming home late means arriving home any time after 5:00 p.m.
Procedures for Time Out
• When a child is told to go into time-out, a parent should only say, "Time-out for...." and state the particular offense. There should be no further discussion.
• Use a kitchen timer with a bell. Set the timer for the length of the time-out and tell the child he must stay in time-out until the bell rings.
• While in time-out, the child should not be permitted to talk, and the parent should not communicate with the child in any way. The child also should not make noises in any way, such as mumbling or grumbling. He or she should not be allowed to play with any toy, to listen to the radio or stereo, watch television, or bang on the furniture. Any violation of time-out should result in automatic resetting of the clock for another time-out period.
• It is important that all members of the household be acquainted with the regulations for time-out, so that they will not interfere with the child in time-out in any way, for example, by turning on the radio.
Strategies for Handling Refusal or Resistance
• While time-out works well, it can only work when the child actually serves the time out. There are a number of ways to handle refusal. None of them will work of all children. You may have to experiment to determine which one will work for your child.
• Tell younger children that you will count to three and if they are not in time-out when you get to three the time-out will be doubled.
• Very difficult children, such as those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Oppositional Defiant Disorder, may need to be placed on a short reward program. This could include a chart with 20 to 30 squares. Each time a child does a time-out, the child gets a star or sticker on the chart. When the chart is full they can earn a special treat for learning how to do time-out.
• Use response cost. Select an activity or object you can take away. Tell the child that until they do the time-out, they will not be able to use the object or engage in the activity. For instance, you can remove the cord from the TV and tell them that they may not watch TV or play a video game until they do the time-out.
Alternatives to Time Out
Children 10 and over may decide they are "too big" for time-out because "it is for babies." Here are some other negative consequences that have been successful in reducing inappropriate behavior.
Tell the child that each time he displays the inappropriate behavior, he will have to write sentences to remind him of how he should behave. For instance, every time you talk back you will have to write, " I will talk nicely and show respect to my parents." The first time this happens on a given day the sentence is written 5 times. If this does not help them remember then the next time the sentence is written 10 times. The number is increased by 5 or doubled (depending on the age of the child) each time the behavior occurs on that day. The next day the first occurrence receives 5 sentences.
Remove privileges or objects that you can control. Make a list of privileges or objects (TV, ride bike, stay up late, go outside and play, etc.). Tell the child that each time the undesirable behavior occurs, one item will be crossed of the list for that day. Each day the procedure starts over.
Advantages of Time Out
• It is less aversive than other procedures, such as physical punishment.
• It eliminates a lot of yelling and screaming on the part of the parents.
• It increases the probability that parents are going to be consistent about what is going to be punished, when and how.
• The child learns to accept his own responsibility for undesirable behavior. The parents are not punishing the child; rather the child is punishing himself. The child should be repeatedly told that the parents did not put him or her in time-out but that the child put himself in time-out.
• The child more readily learns to discriminate which behaviors are acceptable and which are unacceptable.
• The child begins to learn more self-control.
• By keeping a written record of time-outs parents can see if the procedure is reducing the targeted behavior. Also, reward can be tied to only receiving a certain amount of time-outs in a day or a smaller time period.
Guidelines For Parental Discipline
• Never disagree about discipline in front of the children.
• Never give an order, request, or command without being able to enforce it at the time.
• Be consistent, that is, reward or punish the same behavior in the same manner as much as possible.
• Agree on what behavior is desirable and not desirable.
• Agree on how to respond to undesirable behavior.
• Make it as clear as possible what the child is to expect if he or she performs the undesirable behavior.
• Make it very clear what the undesirable behavior is. It is not enough to say, "Your room is messy." Messy should be specified in terms of exactly what is meant: "You’ve left dirty clothes on the floor, dirty plates on your desk, and your bed is not made."
• Once you have stated your position and the child attacks that position, do not keep defending yourself. Just restate the position once more and then stop responding to the attacks.
• Remember that your behavior serves as a model for your children’s behavior.
• If one of you is disciplining a child and the other enters the room, that other person should not step in on the argument in progress.
• Reward desirable behavior as much as possible by verbal praise, touch or something tangible such as a toy, food or money.
• Both of you should have an equal share in the responsibility of discipline as much as possible.
The "3 Fs" of Positive Parenting
Discipline should be:
• Firm: Consequences should be clearly stated and then adhered to when the inappropriate behavior occurs.
• Fair: The punishment should fit the crime. Also in the case of recurring behavior, consequences should be stated in advance so the child knows what to expect. Harsh punishment is not necessary. Using a simple Time Out can be effective when it is used consistently every time the behavior occurs. Also, use of reward for a period of time like part of a day or a whole day when no Time Outs or maybe only one Time Out is received.
• Friendly: Use a friendly but firm communication style when letting a child know they have behaved inappropriately and let them know they will receive the "agreed upon" consequence. Encourage them to try to remember what they should do instead to avoid future consequences. Work at "catching them being good" and praise them for appropriate behavior.
For additional help with Time Out and discipline we recommend:
SOS: Help For Parents A book for parents which enables them to help children, ages two to twelve, to improve their behavior and emotional adjustment.
Fix Your Child's Attitude Simple, step-by-step program will turn your kid around.
Additional Topics of Interest:
Guidelines For Good Communication With Children
Improving Your Child's Behavior and Self-esteem
Parenting 101 Online Parenting Workshop
ini artikelnya
Guidelines For Using Time Out With Children and Preteens
source :
Purpose of Time Out Time-out means time out from positive reinforcement (rewarding experiences). It is a procedure used to decrease undesirable behaviors. The main principle of this procedure is to ensure that the individual in time-out is not able to receive any reinforcement for a particular period of time.
How to Use Time Out Effectively:
Time Out Area The time-out area should be easily accessible, and in such a location that the child can be easily monitored while in time-out. For example, if most activity takes place on the first floor of the house, the time-out area should not be on an upper floor. A chair in the corner of the dining room is an excellent spot. Placing a kitchen timer on the table is a good way to keep the child informed of how much time he has left to serve.
Amount of Time Spent in Time Out Generally, it is considered more effective to have short periods of time-out, 5 to 10 minutes, rather than to have long periods, such as half an hour to an hour. Children can fairly quickly begin to use their imagination to turn a boring activity into an interesting one. Children from 2 - 5 years old should receive a 2 to 5 minute time-out. A 6 year old child should probably receive about a 5 minute time-out while a 10 year old child would receive a 10 minute time-out. A general guideline can be: 6-8 years of age, 5 minutes; 8-10 years of age, 10 minutes; 10-14 years of age, 10 to 20 minutes. Some double the time-out period for such offenses as hitting, severe temper tantrums, and destruction of property. (Note: ADHD children may benefit from shorter times than those suggested above).
Specifying Target Behaviors It is very important the child be aware of the behaviors that are targeted for reduction. They should be very concretely defined: for example, hitting means striking someone else’s with the hand or an object, or coming home late means arriving home any time after 5:00 p.m.
Procedures for Time Out
• When a child is told to go into time-out, a parent should only say, "Time-out for...." and state the particular offense. There should be no further discussion.
• Use a kitchen timer with a bell. Set the timer for the length of the time-out and tell the child he must stay in time-out until the bell rings.
• While in time-out, the child should not be permitted to talk, and the parent should not communicate with the child in any way. The child also should not make noises in any way, such as mumbling or grumbling. He or she should not be allowed to play with any toy, to listen to the radio or stereo, watch television, or bang on the furniture. Any violation of time-out should result in automatic resetting of the clock for another time-out period.
• It is important that all members of the household be acquainted with the regulations for time-out, so that they will not interfere with the child in time-out in any way, for example, by turning on the radio.
Strategies for Handling Refusal or Resistance
• While time-out works well, it can only work when the child actually serves the time out. There are a number of ways to handle refusal. None of them will work of all children. You may have to experiment to determine which one will work for your child.
• Tell younger children that you will count to three and if they are not in time-out when you get to three the time-out will be doubled.
• Very difficult children, such as those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Oppositional Defiant Disorder, may need to be placed on a short reward program. This could include a chart with 20 to 30 squares. Each time a child does a time-out, the child gets a star or sticker on the chart. When the chart is full they can earn a special treat for learning how to do time-out.
• Use response cost. Select an activity or object you can take away. Tell the child that until they do the time-out, they will not be able to use the object or engage in the activity. For instance, you can remove the cord from the TV and tell them that they may not watch TV or play a video game until they do the time-out.
Alternatives to Time Out
Children 10 and over may decide they are "too big" for time-out because "it is for babies." Here are some other negative consequences that have been successful in reducing inappropriate behavior.
Tell the child that each time he displays the inappropriate behavior, he will have to write sentences to remind him of how he should behave. For instance, every time you talk back you will have to write, " I will talk nicely and show respect to my parents." The first time this happens on a given day the sentence is written 5 times. If this does not help them remember then the next time the sentence is written 10 times. The number is increased by 5 or doubled (depending on the age of the child) each time the behavior occurs on that day. The next day the first occurrence receives 5 sentences.
Remove privileges or objects that you can control. Make a list of privileges or objects (TV, ride bike, stay up late, go outside and play, etc.). Tell the child that each time the undesirable behavior occurs, one item will be crossed of the list for that day. Each day the procedure starts over.
Advantages of Time Out
• It is less aversive than other procedures, such as physical punishment.
• It eliminates a lot of yelling and screaming on the part of the parents.
• It increases the probability that parents are going to be consistent about what is going to be punished, when and how.
• The child learns to accept his own responsibility for undesirable behavior. The parents are not punishing the child; rather the child is punishing himself. The child should be repeatedly told that the parents did not put him or her in time-out but that the child put himself in time-out.
• The child more readily learns to discriminate which behaviors are acceptable and which are unacceptable.
• The child begins to learn more self-control.
• By keeping a written record of time-outs parents can see if the procedure is reducing the targeted behavior. Also, reward can be tied to only receiving a certain amount of time-outs in a day or a smaller time period.
Guidelines For Parental Discipline
• Never disagree about discipline in front of the children.
• Never give an order, request, or command without being able to enforce it at the time.
• Be consistent, that is, reward or punish the same behavior in the same manner as much as possible.
• Agree on what behavior is desirable and not desirable.
• Agree on how to respond to undesirable behavior.
• Make it as clear as possible what the child is to expect if he or she performs the undesirable behavior.
• Make it very clear what the undesirable behavior is. It is not enough to say, "Your room is messy." Messy should be specified in terms of exactly what is meant: "You’ve left dirty clothes on the floor, dirty plates on your desk, and your bed is not made."
• Once you have stated your position and the child attacks that position, do not keep defending yourself. Just restate the position once more and then stop responding to the attacks.
• Remember that your behavior serves as a model for your children’s behavior.
• If one of you is disciplining a child and the other enters the room, that other person should not step in on the argument in progress.
• Reward desirable behavior as much as possible by verbal praise, touch or something tangible such as a toy, food or money.
• Both of you should have an equal share in the responsibility of discipline as much as possible.
The "3 Fs" of Positive Parenting
Discipline should be:
• Firm: Consequences should be clearly stated and then adhered to when the inappropriate behavior occurs.
• Fair: The punishment should fit the crime. Also in the case of recurring behavior, consequences should be stated in advance so the child knows what to expect. Harsh punishment is not necessary. Using a simple Time Out can be effective when it is used consistently every time the behavior occurs. Also, use of reward for a period of time like part of a day or a whole day when no Time Outs or maybe only one Time Out is received.
• Friendly: Use a friendly but firm communication style when letting a child know they have behaved inappropriately and let them know they will receive the "agreed upon" consequence. Encourage them to try to remember what they should do instead to avoid future consequences. Work at "catching them being good" and praise them for appropriate behavior.
For additional help with Time Out and discipline we recommend:
SOS: Help For Parents A book for parents which enables them to help children, ages two to twelve, to improve their behavior and emotional adjustment.
Fix Your Child's Attitude Simple, step-by-step program will turn your kid around.
Additional Topics of Interest:
Guidelines For Good Communication With Children
Improving Your Child's Behavior and Self-esteem
Parenting 101 Online Parenting Workshop
oalah namanya itu 1st, 2nd, 3rd Trimester bukan 1st, 2nd, 3rd Trisemester
baru kali ini mudeng selama ini aku ga terima dengan istilah trisemester pertama trisemester kedua dan trisemester ketiga dalam dunia kehamilan. pertama hamil denger istilah itu aku tetap ga terima. semester itu kan 6 bulan kok bisa jd trisemester pertam. artinya jadi apa toh? aku tanya sana sini ga ada yg bisa jawab. dan ga ngeh jg bisa cari di mbah google. sampai melahirkan aku tetap ga terima dengan istilah itu. kok trisemester sih? waktu sekolah kah semester itu 6 bulan. kenapa trisemester jd 3 bulan??? sampai akhirnya melahirkan aku ga mikirin istilah itu lg walaupun tetap ga bisa diterima oleh otakku.
trus aku lg iseng2 baca ini
disitu ada first trimester, second trimester, third trimester. oalahhh istilah yang benernya itu toh nah kalo first trimester aku bisa terima. trimester brarti 3 bulan. semester brarti 6 bulan.
nih liat di wiki semester itu 6 bulan
kalo arti trimester disini
jadi ayo ibu-ibu, dokter-dokter, bidan-bidan yang pernah pake istilah trisemester pertama, trisemester kedua, trisemester ketiga diperbaiki jadi trimester pertama, trimester kedua, trimester ketiga. itu yang benar. kan kalo pake istilah salah kayak orang ga smart dah tau salah tetap dipakai. ampe sekarang aku tetap ga mau ngomong trisemester pertama kedua ketiga karena masih penasaran ada yg salah nih dengan istilah ini. ga mungkin sekolah bertahun-tahun ujian berkali-kali dengan istilah ujian semester. trus pas hamil 3 bulan jadi trisemester pertama??
tp masih banyak yg pake istilah trisemester pd kehamilan coba deh di browse di google dengan istilah trisemester. masih banyak yg pake. apa emang udah diserap dalam bahasa Indonesia jd trisemester istilah trimester itu??
trus aku lg iseng2 baca ini
disitu ada first trimester, second trimester, third trimester. oalahhh istilah yang benernya itu toh nah kalo first trimester aku bisa terima. trimester brarti 3 bulan. semester brarti 6 bulan.
nih liat di wiki semester itu 6 bulan
kalo arti trimester disini
jadi ayo ibu-ibu, dokter-dokter, bidan-bidan yang pernah pake istilah trisemester pertama, trisemester kedua, trisemester ketiga diperbaiki jadi trimester pertama, trimester kedua, trimester ketiga. itu yang benar. kan kalo pake istilah salah kayak orang ga smart dah tau salah tetap dipakai. ampe sekarang aku tetap ga mau ngomong trisemester pertama kedua ketiga karena masih penasaran ada yg salah nih dengan istilah ini. ga mungkin sekolah bertahun-tahun ujian berkali-kali dengan istilah ujian semester. trus pas hamil 3 bulan jadi trisemester pertama??
tp masih banyak yg pake istilah trisemester pd kehamilan coba deh di browse di google dengan istilah trisemester. masih banyak yg pake. apa emang udah diserap dalam bahasa Indonesia jd trisemester istilah trimester itu??
Gara-gara mami yang suka hiperbola deven jadi sering bilang "woooww"
huhuhu.. karena mami yang suka hiperbola. kalo liat pake apa2 pake "woowww apaan tuh" akhirnya deven mengikuti. liat mami pulang bawa yang aneh dikit bilang "wwwoooww bawa apa tuh mi?", pokoknya semua ditambah woowww.. kebanyakan takjubnya padahal biasa aja sih hehehe.. hidup hiperbola.
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