
Dede mau desen mi... itu sabuk

udah pusing coding ketak ketik MP dulu nih..

ceritanya deven kan penggemar berat tukang kayu. nah si tukang kayu itu si ogut yg jd tukang kayu di VCD lagu2 anak. si ogut ini pake sabuk, palu, pinsil dikupingnya.. sabuk deven kecil nah dia mau yg segede gambreng katanya kayak tukang kayu

deven : mi.. dede mau desen mi.. (sambil menyerut kayu)
mami : desen apa sih de..
deven : itu desenn.. sabuk
mami : oo gesper...
deven : hihihi gespen kata mami emang genset
mami : ya.. de gesper ama genset kan jauh. emang sama ges gen.. ya udah deh hampir sama
deven : pinsilnya mi yg merah (tukang kayu pake yg merah)
mami : nih.. pinsil warna merah
deven : makaci mami.. tapi kok tukang kayu pinsilnya dimakan mi jorok kan mi
mami : hihi iya gimana sih ini tukang kayu pinsilnya dimakan (maksudnya pinsilnya ditahan ama mulut karena tangan kanan pegang serutan tangan kiri pegang palu)
deven : (lari keluar nanya pakdenya) pakde.. kenapa tukang kayu makan pinsilnya
pakde : oo itu.. susah megangnya jd pake mulut pegangnya
deven : kan koton (kotor) kok dimakan...

panjang deh nih ceritanya gara2 tukang kayu salah gerakan. mami udah ngajari yg bukan makanan ga bole masuk mulut kotor ee.. tukang kayu malah makan tuh pinsil

Bayi Laki-laki yang disusui (menyusu) ibunya lebih cepat perkembangan Bicaranya

ini dia kali ya salah satu faktor deven ngebut perkembangan bicaranya dan sangat jelas kata-katanya. selain terus menerus diajak ngomong, komunikasi, gerak motorik kasar, halus dsb dsb.. mungkin juga salah satu faktornya ada karena DISUSUI.. semua pada bilang biasanya anak cewek yang ngomongnya ceriwis ini anak cowok kok ceriwis amat.. so mungkin itu penyebabnya.. menurut artikel dibawah ini

tinggal ngeyelnya ini nihh dari mana yahhh... apa karena disusui juga hihihihi


Broad FE. The effects of infant feeding on speech quality. N Z Med J. 1972 Jul;76(482):28-31.

"There was a distinct relationship between breast feeding and clarity of speech in the male. Breast feeding was associated with improved tonal quality in both male and female children with a more marked improvement in the case of the male... The dramatic effect of breast feeding on the development of speech and reading in boys as revealed in this study suggests that the natural breast feeding method accelerates the rate of maturation of the male infant."

The effects of infant feeding on speech quality.

Broad FE.

PIP: In an effort to examine retrospectively the influence of bottle feeding compared with breast feeding, a speech survey was carried out on 131 5- and 6-year-old European boys and girls from 2 schools in Putaruru, New Zealand, 1 state and the other parochial. Speech assessments were all made before information was gathered on the feeding regime in order to avoid any possibility of bias. Each child was interviewed alone for a period of 6-40 minutes. An assessment of his/her speech was made under the following headings: articulation; tonal quality; and fluency. Speech defects such as substitutions, omissions and intrusions, denasalization and positive nasalization were analyzed and recorded phonetically on each child's record form. Notes were also made regarding the effect of missing teeth or malocclusion, auditory perception, substandard speech, and tonal quality-phonatory defects. There was a distinct relationship between breast feeding and clarity of speech in the male. Breast feeding was associated with improved tonal quality in both male and female children with a more marked improvement in the case of the male. Improved speech was associated with improved reading ability. The feeding regime was found to have no effect on a child's confidence. The dramatic effect of breast feeding on the development of speech and reading in boys as revealed in this study suggests that the natural breast feeding method accelerates the rate of maturation of the male infant.

PMID: 4508379 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

source : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4508379?dopt=Abstract