biasa.. narsis-narsis-an di pixel studio, kali ini deven mau disuruh senyumm..
jalannya macet karena semua orang mau beli pisang mi...
tiap hari jalanan depan rumah selalu macet. dan kebetulan emang dideket rumah ada toko buah jual pisang, apel, jeruk. itu toko buah langganan deven dia udah hapal buah-buah apa aja yg dia suka dan dia ingin beli. mami mencoba bertanya. kenapa ya macet dan emang ada satu motor yg parkir ditoko buah.. deven sendiri lagi habis dicukur nungguin daddy dicukur dideket rumah jg.
mami : jalanannya macet terus ya de, kenapa ya macet...
deven : mm itu kali mi mmm itu kali
mami : kenapa ya de kira-kira.. karena apa ya...
deven : itu mi mm.. jalannya macet karena semua orang mau beli pisang mi.. jadinya macet dehh
mami : hihihi iya ya kali pada mau beli pisang. bukannya karena kendaraanya emang udah banyak de jadi jalannya macet
deven : bukan.. karena karena mau beli pisang...
mami : oke dehh bungkusss.. karena mau beli pisang jalannya jd macet
mami : jalanannya macet terus ya de, kenapa ya macet...
deven : mm itu kali mi mmm itu kali
mami : kenapa ya de kira-kira.. karena apa ya...
deven : itu mi mm.. jalannya macet karena semua orang mau beli pisang mi.. jadinya macet dehh
mami : hihihi iya ya kali pada mau beli pisang. bukannya karena kendaraanya emang udah banyak de jadi jalannya macet
deven : bukan.. karena karena mau beli pisang...
mami : oke dehh bungkusss.. karena mau beli pisang jalannya jd macet
dinyalain lagi nyamuknya dede aja yang tepok mi huhuhuhu...
ceritanya deven lagi temenin mami makan malam sehabis mami mandi sambil ngobrol-ngobrol kalo tadi siang eyang jum dateng ama dede faiza. deven seneng main sama eyang jum n de2 faiza.. ee tiba-tiba nyamuk seliweran di kaki deven. biasa dong mami udah napsu mau nepok. deven ikut-ikutan. pengen nepok tapi mami ga ngira kalo deven mau nepok beneran kirain cuma ikut-ikutan doang. soale mami udah napsu kalo liat nyamuk..
mami : wah ada nyamuk de ntar mami tepok dulu
deven : dede aja yang nepok (sambil tangannya juga ngejar2 nyamuk)
mami : ya udah deh.. cepet tepok de keburu digigit
deven : (masih terus nepok2 tp ga berhasil2... mami udah gemes mes mes soale itu nyamuk emang lg ngincer deven)
mami : pokkk dapet deh tuh nyamuk
deven : (langsung nangis kejer karena itu nyamuk udah mami tepok) huaaaaa nyalain lagi nyamuknya dede aja yang tepok. ga mau jangan mati nyamuknya nyalain lagi
mami : sory de sory maap mami ga tau. yaaa udah mati de ga bisa dihidupin lagi (kok dinyalain sih ngomongnya udah lupa nih deven kalo nyamuk mati lawannya ya nyamuk hidup)
deven : nyalain lagi mi nyamuknya dede aja yang tepok huhuhuhu (tetep nangis)
mami : maap de ga bisa dihidupin lg bukan dinyalain de ngomong-ngomong (langsung berpikir alihkan ke hal lain nih kalo ga tantrum) eehh tadi dede katanya main ya ama dede faiza main apa td dede
deven : (langsung diem) iya.. main itu tuh (nunjuk2 bola)
mami : oo main mandi bola
deven : iya (langsung nyerocos lg lupa ama tuh nyamuk nyala)
mami : wah ada nyamuk de ntar mami tepok dulu
deven : dede aja yang nepok (sambil tangannya juga ngejar2 nyamuk)
mami : ya udah deh.. cepet tepok de keburu digigit
deven : (masih terus nepok2 tp ga berhasil2... mami udah gemes mes mes soale itu nyamuk emang lg ngincer deven)
mami : pokkk dapet deh tuh nyamuk
deven : (langsung nangis kejer karena itu nyamuk udah mami tepok) huaaaaa nyalain lagi nyamuknya dede aja yang tepok. ga mau jangan mati nyamuknya nyalain lagi
mami : sory de sory maap mami ga tau. yaaa udah mati de ga bisa dihidupin lagi (kok dinyalain sih ngomongnya udah lupa nih deven kalo nyamuk mati lawannya ya nyamuk hidup)
deven : nyalain lagi mi nyamuknya dede aja yang tepok huhuhuhu (tetep nangis)
mami : maap de ga bisa dihidupin lg bukan dinyalain de ngomong-ngomong (langsung berpikir alihkan ke hal lain nih kalo ga tantrum) eehh tadi dede katanya main ya ama dede faiza main apa td dede
deven : (langsung diem) iya.. main itu tuh (nunjuk2 bola)
mami : oo main mandi bola
deven : iya (langsung nyerocos lg lupa ama tuh nyamuk nyala)
dad. beliin genset beneran dong yang gede banget.. ga mau yang boongan..
pagi-pagi melek mata mungkin abis mimpi.. deven minta beliin genset yang beneran ama daddy ga mau yang boongan. padahal genset udah punya. mungkin maksud dia kompresor yang buat tambal ban. udah dikasih tau itu kompresor dia suka ngotot itu genset. dan disekolah minggu dia emang baru liat kompresor buat ngecat kursi/meja sekolah. karena sebelah sekola minggu itu sekolahan TK BPK Penarbur. dia manteng aja di depan kompresor.. nanya dede udah punya belum ini mi. hihihi de.. walaupun dede belum punya masa mami mau beli kompresor tambal ban de...
deven : dad bellin genset yang dong yang gede banget.. ga mau yang boongan
daddy : haaaa.. genset apaan...
mami : maksudnya kompresor kali dad..
daddy : &%#%@^@&
deven : yang gedeeeeee banget ga mau yang boongan..
pernah juga minta tangga dan mobil kebarakaran yang beneran ga mau yang boongan.
deven : mi .. dede mau mobin kebakalan mi.. yg ada tangganya
mami : kan dede udah punya (sambil ngambil mobil kebakaran mainan)
deven : ga mau yang ini mi.. ini kecin dede mau yang gede banget
mami : yaaa.. de itu kan mahal banget de..
deven : ga mau yang boongan mi.. mau yang gedeee.. dede mau naik tangganya
akhirnya ga kesampaian naik tanggal mobil kebakaran. dia naik lemari container plastik yang sampingnya mirip tangga minta dipegangin dia pengen naik kayak bapak pemadam kebakaran..
deven : dad bellin genset yang dong yang gede banget.. ga mau yang boongan
daddy : haaaa.. genset apaan...
mami : maksudnya kompresor kali dad..
daddy : &%#%@^@&
deven : yang gedeeeeee banget ga mau yang boongan..
pernah juga minta tangga dan mobil kebarakaran yang beneran ga mau yang boongan.
deven : mi .. dede mau mobin kebakalan mi.. yg ada tangganya
mami : kan dede udah punya (sambil ngambil mobil kebakaran mainan)
deven : ga mau yang ini mi.. ini kecin dede mau yang gede banget
mami : yaaa.. de itu kan mahal banget de..
deven : ga mau yang boongan mi.. mau yang gedeee.. dede mau naik tangganya
akhirnya ga kesampaian naik tanggal mobil kebakaran. dia naik lemari container plastik yang sampingnya mirip tangga minta dipegangin dia pengen naik kayak bapak pemadam kebakaran..
untung dede cobain ya ain-nya. ga basi kannn
deven suka minum susu UHTnya ga dihabisin terus ditaruh aja dan udah lama suka disedot lagi. takut susunya udah basi. mami suka bilang "de, mami cobain dulu takutnya udah basi". ee.. seperti biasa si peniru sejati ini menirukan kata2 mami dengan ditambah kata 'untung' waktu mami mau minum air putih
mami : (ambil gelas isi air putih)
deven : mi.. sini mi dede cobain dulu, ntan basi...
mami : oo gitu dede mau cobain airnya
deven : (minum air putih), untung dede cobain ya ain-nya (airnya) ga basi kan mi.. untung dede cobain kan
mami : *&@^#&$*(#.. iya ya untung dicobain ama dede.. tapi emang ada air putih yang basi de?
deven : (ngeloyor aja pergi meninggalkan mami yg masih bengong)
mami : (ambil gelas isi air putih)
deven : mi.. sini mi dede cobain dulu, ntan basi...
mami : oo gitu dede mau cobain airnya
deven : (minum air putih), untung dede cobain ya ain-nya (airnya) ga basi kan mi.. untung dede cobain kan
mami : *&@^#&$*(#.. iya ya untung dicobain ama dede.. tapi emang ada air putih yang basi de?
deven : (ngeloyor aja pergi meninggalkan mami yg masih bengong)
Toddler Milestones Calculator from Parenting My
untuk melihat perkembangan anak sesuai umurnya
untuk melihat perkembangan anak sesuai umurnya
mi.. tikus itu banyak makannya ya jadi nyampe ambil kejunya
lagi nonton baby einstein yang ada gambar kucingnya hehe ga tau yang mana kalo kata deven baby einstein kucing cat. nah disitu ada adegan 2 tikus berusaha ambil keju di kulkas yg satu bawa-bawa centong kayu mau ambil keju ga nyampe jd didorong2 pake centong. yg satu nungguin dibawa pas kejunya jatuh langsung dimakan ama tikus yg nunggu itu. tp emang kesannya yg nunggu itu nyampe ambil kejunya wong kulkasnya pendek hehe..
dan deven masih bisa dikasih tau kalo harus makan banyak biar cepet tinggi biar nyampe ambil sarang laba2, atau pegang lampu, atau buka lemari yang atas
deven : mi.. tikus itu banyak makannya ya jadinya nyampe ambil kejunya
mami : oo iya bener dia makannya banyak de,jd nyampe ya ambil keju (hehe masih kaget ternyata nyantol juga itu ilmu makan banyak biar tinggi dan nyampe ambil apa2)
deven : tikus yang pegang kayu ga ampe mi, makannya ga banyak sih dikit sihh
mami : iya tikus kamu ga banyak sih makannya coba kayak yg satu ya de makannya banyak
deven : iya makannya yg banyak kayak dede
mami : (GR banget kayak dede.. emang dede banyak makannya dalam hati) iya kayak dede makannya yg banyak tikus.. biar nyampe ambil kejunya ga diambil temennya
deven : dede makannya banyak jd ampe ambil keju hap (sambil loncat)
mami : ambil keju dimana
deven : di kulkas lahhh...
mami : $#^*&@^*&#
dan deven masih bisa dikasih tau kalo harus makan banyak biar cepet tinggi biar nyampe ambil sarang laba2, atau pegang lampu, atau buka lemari yang atas
deven : mi.. tikus itu banyak makannya ya jadinya nyampe ambil kejunya
mami : oo iya bener dia makannya banyak de,jd nyampe ya ambil keju (hehe masih kaget ternyata nyantol juga itu ilmu makan banyak biar tinggi dan nyampe ambil apa2)
deven : tikus yang pegang kayu ga ampe mi, makannya ga banyak sih dikit sihh
mami : iya tikus kamu ga banyak sih makannya coba kayak yg satu ya de makannya banyak
deven : iya makannya yg banyak kayak dede
mami : (GR banget kayak dede.. emang dede banyak makannya dalam hati) iya kayak dede makannya yg banyak tikus.. biar nyampe ambil kejunya ga diambil temennya
deven : dede makannya banyak jd ampe ambil keju hap (sambil loncat)
mami : ambil keju dimana
deven : di kulkas lahhh...
mami : $#^*&@^*&#
Mami ajak aku ke Jakarta Penn dongg...
udah beberapa hari ini akibat iklan ke jakarta fair terus menerus di tivi. deven sering banget nyanyi-nyanyi sendiri "ke jakarta peenn kejakarta penn" trs naik ke mobil2annya
deven : "mi dede mau ke jakarta penn, mami mau ikut ga? ayo bonceng sini"
mami : ikut dong (pura-pura bonceng disebelahnya)
deven : udah mi dah nyampe turun mi ayo mi (deven jg ikut turun ngajak mami jalan ke deket pintu diam sebentar dideket pintu trs balik lagi ke mobil2annya) dah nyampe jakarta penn nih mi
mami : o udah nyampe
deven : ayo pulang udah malem.. (balik ke mobil2annya) dah pulang ya dari jakarta penn...
mami : mami bonceng lagi ya...
setelah capek main ke jakarta penn boong2an akhirnya deven mengutarakan hasratnya pengen ke jakarta penn
deven : mi ajak aku dongg ke jakarta penn mi
mami : hehe iya.. nanti akhir bulan ya kalo mami gajian kalo sekarang ga bisa beli2 dong bengong2 doang di jakarta fair ga enak
deven : "mi dede mau ke jakarta penn, mami mau ikut ga? ayo bonceng sini"
mami : ikut dong (pura-pura bonceng disebelahnya)
deven : udah mi dah nyampe turun mi ayo mi (deven jg ikut turun ngajak mami jalan ke deket pintu diam sebentar dideket pintu trs balik lagi ke mobil2annya) dah nyampe jakarta penn nih mi
mami : o udah nyampe
deven : ayo pulang udah malem.. (balik ke mobil2annya) dah pulang ya dari jakarta penn...
mami : mami bonceng lagi ya...
setelah capek main ke jakarta penn boong2an akhirnya deven mengutarakan hasratnya pengen ke jakarta penn
deven : mi ajak aku dongg ke jakarta penn mi
mami : hehe iya.. nanti akhir bulan ya kalo mami gajian kalo sekarang ga bisa beli2 dong bengong2 doang di jakarta fair ga enak
365 TV-free activities for Toddlers
udah lupa nemu artikel ini dimana aku googling lg ga ktemu. jd kalo nanti yang nulis udah ketauan baru aku tulis source-nya. ada sih di google book tp kok jd nambah ya activitynya jd 501 hehe...
tp bisa dicontoh aktivitas2nya yang membebaskan anak dr tv
365 TV-free activities for Toddlers
Source :
1. Detergent Box Block (1+, indoor activities, adult participation)
Junk materials often make the best play toys for young children and by recycling packaging you are saving money and the environment
What you need:
• Square laundry detergent cartons
• Masking tape
• Coloured or patterned adhesive plastic
What to do:
Many laundry detergents now come in clock shape cartons. They make ideal building blocks for your children. After wiping them out, tape the lids closed with masking tape and then cover with coloured or patterned plastic.
Store the blocks neatly in the largest basket you can buy and add to the supply as you wash! My son uses his for building towers, making cities to go with his train set, making castles and so on.
Challenge your children to a competition to see who can built the highest tower before it falls down. If you have toddlers they will love it if older children built towers for them to knock down.
2. Magazine Picture Puzzles (1+, indoor activities, adult participation)
Create simple jigsaw puzzles with your children from large magazine picture
What you need:
• Large magazine pictures
• Scissors
• Glue
• Thick pieces of cardboard
What to do:
Look through magazines with your children and let them choose some pictures they would like to make into puzzles. Help them cut out the pictures, then use a strong glue to stick the pictures onto thick pieces of cardboard.
When the glue is dry, cut the pieces into puzzle shapes. With younger children begin with four or five puzzle pieces. As they master the skill, cut the pictures into more pieces.
Store and label the puzzles in plastic bags in a shoebox.
3. Story Time
Teach your children the joys of reading from an early age and they will thank you for it in later life
What you need:
• Books
• Time
What to do:
It is never too early to interest your children in books and reading. Literacy is a vital skill and an appreciation of books from an early age can give your children a great start to learning, and be a lifetime source of pleasure.
There is a huge variety of excellent children’s literature available, either to buy or borrow for your local library. Set aside time each day to sit with your children and read them a story. Younger children enjoy looking at books with large, bright images. Older children will enjoy memorising simple stories and rhymes, and will follow along as you read together, often repeating parts of the story.
Have patience with very young children when they ask you to read the same book over and over again. Take time to show them the words, as well as the pictures.
4. Bash a Bag (2+, outdoor/indoor activities, adult participation)
Let your young children use up some energy with this simple activity
What you need:
• A bag made of strong paper, plastic or fabric
• String
• Newspaper
• Wooden spoon
What to do:
Your children will love helping you tear up the newspaper and roll it into balls to fill the punching bag. When the bag’s full, tie it tightly with string. Hang the bag from a hook or doorway. (Make sure it will not hit anything precious)
Your children will have a great time bashing away at the bag with a wooden spoon. Make sure they take it turns and don’t hit each other by accident!
5. Bottles and Lids (3+, indoor)
This activity will help develop your children’s power of prediction as they guess which lid fits which bottle. It’s also a good way to develop the muscles in their hands and fingers
What you need:
• Bottles of different shape and sizes with screw-top lids
What to do:
Put out a selection of jars (at least ten) with lids with different circumstances. See if your children can find the correct lid for each jar and screw it on.
Later they might like to time themselves with an egg timer to see how fast they can do it.
They could also put the jars in order from the smallest lid to the largest.
Hint!: remain them to take a great care with the glass bottles.
6. Dressing Fast (3+, indoor, adult participation)
This game will give your children practice dressing themselves.
What you need:
• Dressing-up clothes
What to do:
Set up two piles of similar clothes – maybe a shirt, a pair of long pants, socks and a hat each.
Pick two children to stand beside you. When you say “GO” they must each run to a pile of clothes and put them on over their own clothes, and do up the buttons and fasteners. Then they run back to you.
Don’t forget to have a camera handy! This game is lots of fun a t birthday parties as well as being terrific practice for doing up buttons, clips and zips.
If you are playing with your children on their own, they can try to beat the clock, or use an egg timer.
7. Memory (3+, indoor activity, adult participation)
A fun way to develop your children memories
What you need:
• Assortment of small items such as a pencil, rubber, scissors, pen, small toys, hair brush, cutlery
• Tray
• Tea towel
• Paper and pencil (for older children who can write)
What to do:
For younger children – place a few item on the tray and let your children look at them for a minute. Have your children turn their backs while you remove a couple of items from the tray and cover them with a tea towel. Ask your children to turn around and look ant the tray and tell you what’s missing.
For older children – place up to twenty items on the tray and cover them up. Uncover them in front of your children and give them a minute to try and memorise the items, then cover them up again. Your children then write down as many items as possible.
Have a turn yourself and see if your memory is better than your children’s. You may be unpleasantly surprised.
8. Odd one out (3+, inside activity, adult participation)
Help your children understand the meaning of same and different
What you need:
• Pairs of matching objects, such as a pair of socks, a pair of shoes, two matching mugs, two matching forks
What to do:
Mix up the items and have your children find the two that are the same. Then ask them to cover their eyes. Put a pair of matching objects together with one that is different. Your children have to find the odd and tell you why it doesn’t belong.
Make this game more difficult by making the differences subtler.
9. Rice Maracas (3+, inside activity, adult participation)
Children love making music. Make some simple maracas with them and they will love playing them and following the beat of their favourite songs
What you need:
• Paper cups (or you also can use clear plastic bottle)
• Uncooked rice
• Masking or insulating tape
• Felt pens
What to do:
Fill a paper cup about half full of uncooked rice and then place an empty cup on the top. Your children can help hold the cups firmly and steadily in place while you join them together with tape. Now they can use their felt pens to decorate the maracas in bright colour.
Make maracas with different amounts of rice. For different sound effects you could use dried pasta, beans or split peas.
Shake out same different rhythms and see if they can copy them.
10. Edible playdough (1+, indoor activity, adult participation)
Make some edible playdough that younger children will enjoy playing with
What you need:
• Peanut paste
• Milk powder
• Sugar
• Edible food colouring
What to do:
Younger children often want to eat regular playdough. If this happening with your younger children, put away the regular playdough until they are older and can understand not to eat it, and make them a batch of edible playdough.
Simply mix one part of peanut paste to one part of milk powder and half part of sugar. Double or triple the quantities depending on how much you want. Add some food colouring if desired.
11. Box Cars (2+, outdoor/indoor activity, adult participation)
Making cheap play props like this helps develop your child’s imagination
What you need:
• Cardboard box
• Scissors
• Acrylic paint
• Glue
• Paper plates, piece of cardboard, aluminium pie plates
• Felt pens
• Rope
What to do:
Make a box car for your children. Cut the flaps off the top and bottom of a cardboard box, except for the flap at the front. Your children can paint the box at this stage – maybe racy red, or British racing green! When it’s done, stick paper plates on the side for wheels and aluminium pie dishes on the front for headlights. Make straps out of rope. The children step inside their box cars and slip the straps over their shoulders. Now they are off and racing!
12. Breakfast-cereal threadings (2+, indoor activity, adult participation)
Breakfast cereal loops can make pretty necklaces and bracelets, and children love to make them. Threading is also an excellent had-eye coordination activity
What you need:
• Bodkin or a large tapestry needle
• Wool
• Breakfast-cereal loops (eg. Froot loops)
What to do:
Help your children thread their needles or bodkins with wool and tie a cereal loop at the end of the wool to secure. If you don’t want your younger children using needles, wrap some sticky tape around the end of the wool to make a firm threading and they can thread with that.
Older children will enjoy making colourful patterns as they thread. Younger ones will enjoy eating their creations at the end!
13. Colourful Playdough (2+, indoor activity, adult participation)
Make up a batch of simple cooked playdough for your children. It will keep them occupied for ages and provide a great outlet for their creativity
What you need:
• 1 cup plain flour
• 1 cup water
• ½ cup cooking salt
• 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
• 1 tablespoon cooking oil
• Food colouring or powder paints
• Wooden spoon
• Saucepan
• Breadboard
• Plastic container
What to do:
With a wooden spoon, mix the flour, water, salt and cream of tartar in a saucepan over a medium heat until thick. When it has cooled, add the oil and knead well on a floured board.
Divide the dough into at least six balls and add a different colour to each ball until you have a blue, red, yellow, green, purple and orange playdough. (If you want plain playdough, omit the colouring)
Put each colour into a separate container and encourage your children to create playdough pictures or dioramas. When they have finished, help them start out the colours to put back in their containers for another day, rather than mixing them all together. Happy modelling!
14. Finger painting (2+, outdoor activity, adult participation)
Finger painting provides a wonderful sensory experience for children of all ages.
What you need:
• 2 tablespoon cornflour
• Cold water
• 1 cup boiling water
• Food colouring
• Saucepan
• Wooden spoon
• Large sheet of plastic or plastic tablecloth
What to do:
Blend the cornflour with a little cold water and mix to a smooth paste. Add the boiling water and sit over a low heat until the mixture thickens. Add some food colouring and mix thoroughly.
Cover an outdoor table with a large sheet of plastic or a plastic tablecloth, or use a table that can be hosed or washed down. Alternatively, spread the plastic on the grass or on pavers and the children can finger paint there.
Younger children will enjoy just drawing pictures in the paint and will love the squishy feeling of the finger paint. Older children might enjoy using some combs, grout scrapers or thick cardboard cut into comb shapes to make interesting patterns.
If they want to keep a finger-painting picture, you can take a print by carefully pushing a piece of paper onto the picture and then lifting it off slowly.
tp bisa dicontoh aktivitas2nya yang membebaskan anak dr tv
365 TV-free activities for Toddlers
Source :
1. Detergent Box Block (1+, indoor activities, adult participation)
Junk materials often make the best play toys for young children and by recycling packaging you are saving money and the environment
What you need:
• Square laundry detergent cartons
• Masking tape
• Coloured or patterned adhesive plastic
What to do:
Many laundry detergents now come in clock shape cartons. They make ideal building blocks for your children. After wiping them out, tape the lids closed with masking tape and then cover with coloured or patterned plastic.
Store the blocks neatly in the largest basket you can buy and add to the supply as you wash! My son uses his for building towers, making cities to go with his train set, making castles and so on.
Challenge your children to a competition to see who can built the highest tower before it falls down. If you have toddlers they will love it if older children built towers for them to knock down.
2. Magazine Picture Puzzles (1+, indoor activities, adult participation)
Create simple jigsaw puzzles with your children from large magazine picture
What you need:
• Large magazine pictures
• Scissors
• Glue
• Thick pieces of cardboard
What to do:
Look through magazines with your children and let them choose some pictures they would like to make into puzzles. Help them cut out the pictures, then use a strong glue to stick the pictures onto thick pieces of cardboard.
When the glue is dry, cut the pieces into puzzle shapes. With younger children begin with four or five puzzle pieces. As they master the skill, cut the pictures into more pieces.
Store and label the puzzles in plastic bags in a shoebox.
3. Story Time
Teach your children the joys of reading from an early age and they will thank you for it in later life
What you need:
• Books
• Time
What to do:
It is never too early to interest your children in books and reading. Literacy is a vital skill and an appreciation of books from an early age can give your children a great start to learning, and be a lifetime source of pleasure.
There is a huge variety of excellent children’s literature available, either to buy or borrow for your local library. Set aside time each day to sit with your children and read them a story. Younger children enjoy looking at books with large, bright images. Older children will enjoy memorising simple stories and rhymes, and will follow along as you read together, often repeating parts of the story.
Have patience with very young children when they ask you to read the same book over and over again. Take time to show them the words, as well as the pictures.
4. Bash a Bag (2+, outdoor/indoor activities, adult participation)
Let your young children use up some energy with this simple activity
What you need:
• A bag made of strong paper, plastic or fabric
• String
• Newspaper
• Wooden spoon
What to do:
Your children will love helping you tear up the newspaper and roll it into balls to fill the punching bag. When the bag’s full, tie it tightly with string. Hang the bag from a hook or doorway. (Make sure it will not hit anything precious)
Your children will have a great time bashing away at the bag with a wooden spoon. Make sure they take it turns and don’t hit each other by accident!
5. Bottles and Lids (3+, indoor)
This activity will help develop your children’s power of prediction as they guess which lid fits which bottle. It’s also a good way to develop the muscles in their hands and fingers
What you need:
• Bottles of different shape and sizes with screw-top lids
What to do:
Put out a selection of jars (at least ten) with lids with different circumstances. See if your children can find the correct lid for each jar and screw it on.
Later they might like to time themselves with an egg timer to see how fast they can do it.
They could also put the jars in order from the smallest lid to the largest.
Hint!: remain them to take a great care with the glass bottles.
6. Dressing Fast (3+, indoor, adult participation)
This game will give your children practice dressing themselves.
What you need:
• Dressing-up clothes
What to do:
Set up two piles of similar clothes – maybe a shirt, a pair of long pants, socks and a hat each.
Pick two children to stand beside you. When you say “GO” they must each run to a pile of clothes and put them on over their own clothes, and do up the buttons and fasteners. Then they run back to you.
Don’t forget to have a camera handy! This game is lots of fun a t birthday parties as well as being terrific practice for doing up buttons, clips and zips.
If you are playing with your children on their own, they can try to beat the clock, or use an egg timer.
7. Memory (3+, indoor activity, adult participation)
A fun way to develop your children memories
What you need:
• Assortment of small items such as a pencil, rubber, scissors, pen, small toys, hair brush, cutlery
• Tray
• Tea towel
• Paper and pencil (for older children who can write)
What to do:
For younger children – place a few item on the tray and let your children look at them for a minute. Have your children turn their backs while you remove a couple of items from the tray and cover them with a tea towel. Ask your children to turn around and look ant the tray and tell you what’s missing.
For older children – place up to twenty items on the tray and cover them up. Uncover them in front of your children and give them a minute to try and memorise the items, then cover them up again. Your children then write down as many items as possible.
Have a turn yourself and see if your memory is better than your children’s. You may be unpleasantly surprised.
8. Odd one out (3+, inside activity, adult participation)
Help your children understand the meaning of same and different
What you need:
• Pairs of matching objects, such as a pair of socks, a pair of shoes, two matching mugs, two matching forks
What to do:
Mix up the items and have your children find the two that are the same. Then ask them to cover their eyes. Put a pair of matching objects together with one that is different. Your children have to find the odd and tell you why it doesn’t belong.
Make this game more difficult by making the differences subtler.
9. Rice Maracas (3+, inside activity, adult participation)
Children love making music. Make some simple maracas with them and they will love playing them and following the beat of their favourite songs
What you need:
• Paper cups (or you also can use clear plastic bottle)
• Uncooked rice
• Masking or insulating tape
• Felt pens
What to do:
Fill a paper cup about half full of uncooked rice and then place an empty cup on the top. Your children can help hold the cups firmly and steadily in place while you join them together with tape. Now they can use their felt pens to decorate the maracas in bright colour.
Make maracas with different amounts of rice. For different sound effects you could use dried pasta, beans or split peas.
Shake out same different rhythms and see if they can copy them.
10. Edible playdough (1+, indoor activity, adult participation)
Make some edible playdough that younger children will enjoy playing with
What you need:
• Peanut paste
• Milk powder
• Sugar
• Edible food colouring
What to do:
Younger children often want to eat regular playdough. If this happening with your younger children, put away the regular playdough until they are older and can understand not to eat it, and make them a batch of edible playdough.
Simply mix one part of peanut paste to one part of milk powder and half part of sugar. Double or triple the quantities depending on how much you want. Add some food colouring if desired.
11. Box Cars (2+, outdoor/indoor activity, adult participation)
Making cheap play props like this helps develop your child’s imagination
What you need:
• Cardboard box
• Scissors
• Acrylic paint
• Glue
• Paper plates, piece of cardboard, aluminium pie plates
• Felt pens
• Rope
What to do:
Make a box car for your children. Cut the flaps off the top and bottom of a cardboard box, except for the flap at the front. Your children can paint the box at this stage – maybe racy red, or British racing green! When it’s done, stick paper plates on the side for wheels and aluminium pie dishes on the front for headlights. Make straps out of rope. The children step inside their box cars and slip the straps over their shoulders. Now they are off and racing!
12. Breakfast-cereal threadings (2+, indoor activity, adult participation)
Breakfast cereal loops can make pretty necklaces and bracelets, and children love to make them. Threading is also an excellent had-eye coordination activity
What you need:
• Bodkin or a large tapestry needle
• Wool
• Breakfast-cereal loops (eg. Froot loops)
What to do:
Help your children thread their needles or bodkins with wool and tie a cereal loop at the end of the wool to secure. If you don’t want your younger children using needles, wrap some sticky tape around the end of the wool to make a firm threading and they can thread with that.
Older children will enjoy making colourful patterns as they thread. Younger ones will enjoy eating their creations at the end!
13. Colourful Playdough (2+, indoor activity, adult participation)
Make up a batch of simple cooked playdough for your children. It will keep them occupied for ages and provide a great outlet for their creativity
What you need:
• 1 cup plain flour
• 1 cup water
• ½ cup cooking salt
• 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
• 1 tablespoon cooking oil
• Food colouring or powder paints
• Wooden spoon
• Saucepan
• Breadboard
• Plastic container
What to do:
With a wooden spoon, mix the flour, water, salt and cream of tartar in a saucepan over a medium heat until thick. When it has cooled, add the oil and knead well on a floured board.
Divide the dough into at least six balls and add a different colour to each ball until you have a blue, red, yellow, green, purple and orange playdough. (If you want plain playdough, omit the colouring)
Put each colour into a separate container and encourage your children to create playdough pictures or dioramas. When they have finished, help them start out the colours to put back in their containers for another day, rather than mixing them all together. Happy modelling!
14. Finger painting (2+, outdoor activity, adult participation)
Finger painting provides a wonderful sensory experience for children of all ages.
What you need:
• 2 tablespoon cornflour
• Cold water
• 1 cup boiling water
• Food colouring
• Saucepan
• Wooden spoon
• Large sheet of plastic or plastic tablecloth
What to do:
Blend the cornflour with a little cold water and mix to a smooth paste. Add the boiling water and sit over a low heat until the mixture thickens. Add some food colouring and mix thoroughly.
Cover an outdoor table with a large sheet of plastic or a plastic tablecloth, or use a table that can be hosed or washed down. Alternatively, spread the plastic on the grass or on pavers and the children can finger paint there.
Younger children will enjoy just drawing pictures in the paint and will love the squishy feeling of the finger paint. Older children might enjoy using some combs, grout scrapers or thick cardboard cut into comb shapes to make interesting patterns.
If they want to keep a finger-painting picture, you can take a print by carefully pushing a piece of paper onto the picture and then lifting it off slowly.
Bulannya lagi beli rompi item di giant mi..
kalo lagi musim bulan purnama n banyak bintang kayak kemarin malam gini deven seneng ngajakin keluar liat bulan, dan mami harus nyanyi bintang kecil, twinkle twinkle little star, ambilkan bulan bu. itu bisa satu album nyanyii. baru ngajak masuk.
deven : mi liat bulan mi liat bintang di luan
mami : ayo liat
deven : yaaa kok bulannya ga ada mi
mami : o iya kok ga ada ya de, padahal baru kemarin bulan purnama kok sekarang ga ada
deven : oo itu kali mi, beli baju rompi item di giant mi.. dede jahit ga beli, dede diukun dijahit rompinya ga beli di giant
mami : iya kali ya bulan pengen pake baju rompi makanya ga ada nihhh
deven : mi liat bulan mi liat bintang di luan
mami : ayo liat
deven : yaaa kok bulannya ga ada mi
mami : o iya kok ga ada ya de, padahal baru kemarin bulan purnama kok sekarang ga ada
deven : oo itu kali mi, beli baju rompi item di giant mi.. dede jahit ga beli, dede diukun dijahit rompinya ga beli di giant
mami : iya kali ya bulan pengen pake baju rompi makanya ga ada nihhh
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10. ga mau 6 ga mau 6
dede filbert deven ini kalo disuruh ngitung nyebelinnya poll. ga mau nyebut angka 6 huhu padahal itu kan tanggal lahir mami de tapi kalo ngitungnya dalam bahasa inggri bener.
mami : ayo de ngitung 1,2 3, dst
deven : 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 ga mau 6 ga mau 6
mami : 5 trus 6 dulu de
deven : ga mau 6... 5 7 8 9 10 15 17 20
mami : 5 6 de
deven : ga mau 6, 5 7 aja ahhhh
mami :@$%^#*@#&
tapi kalo lagi ga disuruh dan tiba2 ngitung sendiri bener bener aja 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10..
mami : ayo de ngitung 1,2 3, dst
deven : 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 ga mau 6 ga mau 6
mami : 5 trus 6 dulu de
deven : ga mau 6... 5 7 8 9 10 15 17 20
mami : 5 6 de
deven : ga mau 6, 5 7 aja ahhhh
mami :@$%^#*@#&
tapi kalo lagi ga disuruh dan tiba2 ngitung sendiri bener bener aja 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10..
Mandi Bola di Kamar
deven selalu minta mandi bola kalo main di mall, giant. tp mami n daddy selalu bilang itu kotor banyak penyakit ya. nanti kita bikin dirumah. tp ga dibikin2in. akhirnya mami tepati ya janji mami n daddy mami buatin mandi bola dirumah. malah maunya ditempat tidur. tiap hari banjir bola hhuhuhu pegel mami beresinnya ven...
mi.. ada kodoknya mi disitu.. waa desig desig desig
tiap pulang kerja deven emang selalu bikin mami jabrig kadang habis kesabaran. tp selalu ingat kata nany 911 ga bole membentak, yelling apalg memukul jd kalo emosi udah ke ubun2 aku kabur melarikan diri sambil menitipkan deven ke yayi-nya atau kakung. kalo tantrum udah kumat ini salah itu salah..
mami : mami mau makan dulu ya udah mau pingsan nih de
deven : ga bole makan.. dede mau minum susu
mami : nih (kasih susu UHT yg sedotannya nempel)
deven : ga mau sedotan ini
mami : trs yg mana
deven : yg ditoples (ada sedotan susu UHT lain dan sedotanya dipisah2 waktu belinya dan lebih keras)
mami : yang ini..
deven : keras mi sedotannya ga mau
mami : trs mau yang mana (udah mau pingsan keliyengan nunggu nasi blum mateng)
deven : yang lain
mami : udah ga ada lagi emang keras semua
deven : diisi yang banyak dulu
mami : diisi ama apa, ga ada lagi..
deven : diisi sedotan yang banyak toplesnya
mami : disii dari mana belum beli lagi susunya. yang ini aja sedotan yang nempel di kotak susu UHT
deven : ga mau
mami : (kabur ke kamar pakde di belakang sambil menghadap sudut kamar menghadap tembok sambil duduk menahan emosi dan lapar)
deven : (nangis) yayi.. mau sedotan yang banyakkk
yayi : udah sedotannya yang ini aja (sedotan td yg nempel di kotak susu UHT yg tadi ga mau dan pas ama yayi jadi mau)
deven : (udah selesai nangis ga ada 1 menit nangisnya nyamperin mami yg masih duduk di tempat semula) Mi.. ada kodoknya mi disitu
mami : kodok apaan
deven : mami lagi nyari kodok kann disitu (sambil nunjuk pojok kamar)
mami : huhuhu desig desig sapa yang nyari kodok ini lg nahan emosi biar ga marah saat LAPARRRR
mami : mami mau makan dulu ya udah mau pingsan nih de
deven : ga bole makan.. dede mau minum susu
mami : nih (kasih susu UHT yg sedotannya nempel)
deven : ga mau sedotan ini
mami : trs yg mana
deven : yg ditoples (ada sedotan susu UHT lain dan sedotanya dipisah2 waktu belinya dan lebih keras)
mami : yang ini..
deven : keras mi sedotannya ga mau
mami : trs mau yang mana (udah mau pingsan keliyengan nunggu nasi blum mateng)
deven : yang lain
mami : udah ga ada lagi emang keras semua
deven : diisi yang banyak dulu
mami : diisi ama apa, ga ada lagi..
deven : diisi sedotan yang banyak toplesnya
mami : disii dari mana belum beli lagi susunya. yang ini aja sedotan yang nempel di kotak susu UHT
deven : ga mau
mami : (kabur ke kamar pakde di belakang sambil menghadap sudut kamar menghadap tembok sambil duduk menahan emosi dan lapar)
deven : (nangis) yayi.. mau sedotan yang banyakkk
yayi : udah sedotannya yang ini aja (sedotan td yg nempel di kotak susu UHT yg tadi ga mau dan pas ama yayi jadi mau)
deven : (udah selesai nangis ga ada 1 menit nangisnya nyamperin mami yg masih duduk di tempat semula) Mi.. ada kodoknya mi disitu
mami : kodok apaan
deven : mami lagi nyari kodok kann disitu (sambil nunjuk pojok kamar)
mami : huhuhu desig desig sapa yang nyari kodok ini lg nahan emosi biar ga marah saat LAPARRRR
Bapak Coklat yg Hidungnya Potek Yang Bikin Deven Mau Berdoa Sebelum Tidur
selama ini susah banget membiasakan deven berdoa sebelum tidur, terus tiba2 ga sengaja mami berdoa supaya deven dijaga Tuhan Yesus dan supaya bapak coklat yang hidungnya potek itu ga dateng eh berhasil yipieee sekarang tiap malam deven berdoa supaya dijaga Tuhan Yesus dan Tuhan Yesus mengusir si bapak coklat. bapak coklat itu iklan di tivi orang coklat jalan2 trus mencopot sendiri hidungnya. nah itu deven langsung merapat ke mami kalo ada iklan itu. padahal ga ditakut2in
biasanya nih berdoa malam kayak gini.
mami : Tuhan Yesus
deven : ga Tuhan Yesus
mami : jagain dede
deven : ga jagain dede
mami : dede mau bobo
deven : dede ga mau bobo
mami : lindungi dede Tuhan dalam bobo dede
deven : ga lindungin dede Tuhan
mami : terimakasi Tuhan Yesus
deven : ga terimakasih
mami : Amin
deven : ga Amin
nah terus mami iseng ganti berdoanya jadi gini
mami : Tuhan Yesus
deven : ga Tuhan Yesus
mami : dede mau bobo jagain dede Tuhan
deven : ga jagain dede
mami : bapak coklat yang hidungnya potek itu jangan disuruh masuk Tuhan
deven : bapak coklat buang aja ke atas, ga bole masuk ya mi
mami : iya Tuhan jangan disuruh masuk, bapak coklat disuruh pergi
deven : pergi aja jangan masuk, buang aja
mami : jagain dede ya Tuhan
deven : bapak coklat disuruh pergi ama Tuhan Yesus ya mi
mami : iya, terimakasih ya Tuhan..
deven : Tuhan Yesus jagain dede Tuhan,
mami : iya jagain dede ya Tuhan
deven : pergi aja bapak coklat dibuang aja
mami : Terimakasih Tuhan A.... min
deven : Amin
fyuhh lumayan agak2 beneran dikit berdoanya ga ditambahin kata2 ga terus..
biasanya nih berdoa malam kayak gini.
mami : Tuhan Yesus
deven : ga Tuhan Yesus
mami : jagain dede
deven : ga jagain dede
mami : dede mau bobo
deven : dede ga mau bobo
mami : lindungi dede Tuhan dalam bobo dede
deven : ga lindungin dede Tuhan
mami : terimakasi Tuhan Yesus
deven : ga terimakasih
mami : Amin
deven : ga Amin
nah terus mami iseng ganti berdoanya jadi gini
mami : Tuhan Yesus
deven : ga Tuhan Yesus
mami : dede mau bobo jagain dede Tuhan
deven : ga jagain dede
mami : bapak coklat yang hidungnya potek itu jangan disuruh masuk Tuhan
deven : bapak coklat buang aja ke atas, ga bole masuk ya mi
mami : iya Tuhan jangan disuruh masuk, bapak coklat disuruh pergi
deven : pergi aja jangan masuk, buang aja
mami : jagain dede ya Tuhan
deven : bapak coklat disuruh pergi ama Tuhan Yesus ya mi
mami : iya, terimakasih ya Tuhan..
deven : Tuhan Yesus jagain dede Tuhan,
mami : iya jagain dede ya Tuhan
deven : pergi aja bapak coklat dibuang aja
mami : Terimakasih Tuhan A.... min
deven : Amin
fyuhh lumayan agak2 beneran dikit berdoanya ga ditambahin kata2 ga terus..
Kakak Sunu Wanna Be
Kakak Sunu Wanna Be. Pake baju putih dan rompi hitam rumbai rumbai
mami pernah posting dan tanya kanan kiri dimana beli rompi hitam dan ngubek2 giant nyari rompi hitam dan ga dapet tapi akhirnya cling baru ingat kan ada tukang jahit celana didepan rumah dan jual bahan celana warna hitam juga.
akhirnya pulang kerja mami gendong deven dan bawa VCD kakak sunu ke tukang jahit. disitu distel VCDnya untuk kasih tau model rompinya kayak gini. dan akhirnya disepakati harganya Rp.40.000 wis bungkus. rompinya aja Rp.25.000 tp si renda-rendanya ini 15.000. mudah2an ga dangdut banget jadinya. dan jadi deh besok sorenya diambil hehe ternyata ngepas banget karena ngukur badan deven lupa digedein. dan ini lah jadi si rompi kakak sunu yang didamba damba deven. dan setiap hari disuruh nyetel VCD kakak sunu dgn lagu dari sabang sampai merauke dan bajunya pun sama. sepatunya minta yang hitam kayak kak sunu. ternyata sepatu hitamnya udah kesempitan dan akhirnya mau pake sepatu coklat ga mesti hitam...
kepanjangan ya ceritanya wis ini deven yang lg mantengin kakak sunu

udah gitu topinya ini ga masuk banget minta diselotip lagi tuh ada selotip disebelahnya. topi kok diselotip ke kepala...maksudnya biar ga jatuh2 kali topinya
dan ini kakak sunu (novan sunu) yg dicontek abis2an gayanya ama deven dari pakaian, cara nyanyi, dan sepatu (cuma sepatunya blum punya yg item)

foto2 selengkapnya bisa diliat di album foto
akhirnya pulang kerja mami gendong deven dan bawa VCD kakak sunu ke tukang jahit. disitu distel VCDnya untuk kasih tau model rompinya kayak gini. dan akhirnya disepakati harganya Rp.40.000 wis bungkus. rompinya aja Rp.25.000 tp si renda-rendanya ini 15.000. mudah2an ga dangdut banget jadinya. dan jadi deh besok sorenya diambil hehe ternyata ngepas banget karena ngukur badan deven lupa digedein. dan ini lah jadi si rompi kakak sunu yang didamba damba deven. dan setiap hari disuruh nyetel VCD kakak sunu dgn lagu dari sabang sampai merauke dan bajunya pun sama. sepatunya minta yang hitam kayak kak sunu. ternyata sepatu hitamnya udah kesempitan dan akhirnya mau pake sepatu coklat ga mesti hitam...
kepanjangan ya ceritanya wis ini deven yang lg mantengin kakak sunu
udah gitu topinya ini ga masuk banget minta diselotip lagi tuh ada selotip disebelahnya. topi kok diselotip ke kepala...maksudnya biar ga jatuh2 kali topinya
dan ini kakak sunu (novan sunu) yg dicontek abis2an gayanya ama deven dari pakaian, cara nyanyi, dan sepatu (cuma sepatunya blum punya yg item)
foto2 selengkapnya bisa diliat di album foto
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