
Deven's BMI is 16.5 it means Normal Weight.. Legaa.. Mau Hitung Juga?? ada Linknya

baru dapet calculator BMI disini :


dan aku masukkan isinya :
pake satuan metric ya :

BB : 12,5 kg
TB : 87 cm
sex : male
Birth : 20 November 2006

Dan Hasilnya ... taraaaaa

Your child's BMI is 16.5

What It Means : Normal weight (legaa. aku suka normal ga kurus ga obesitas jg.. thank God)

A healthy BMI for a boy this age is between 14.5 and 17.6.

What You Can Do

Most children — more than 8 in 10 — have normal BMIs, even if they appear at times to add pounds faster than inches. For growing children, a healthy BMI is a moving target. Kids get taller and heavier as they grow, but the relationship between weight and height varies depending on age and sex.

To help your child's BMI stay in the normal range as he or she matures:

Embrace healthy eating as a lifestyle by serving a variety of nutrient-rich foods including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Limit high-calorie items such as sugary drinks, fast foods and packaged snacks.

Establish regular family mealtimes.

SEKARANG mami ya hehehe...

BB : 61 kg
TB : 161 cm

Your BMI is 23.5

Under Weight : less than 18,5
Normal : 18,5 - 24,9
Overweight : 25 - 29,9
obese : 30 or greater

What you can do
Congratulations! Your healthy weight is well worth the effort. It reduces your risk of serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. To maintain a healthy weight:

Embrace healthy eating as a lifestyle by choosing a variety of nutrient-rich foods including fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Exercise. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense activity daily.

Set action goals focused on specific healthy activities such as improving muscle tone through strength training, or starting a daily food and activity diary.

KESIMPULAN : I LOVE THIS BMI CALCULATOR because they said my weight is NORMAL hehehehe.. padahal kemarin medical check up tahunan dari kantor dibilang overweight hihihihi.. pake BMI calculator yang ini aja ahhh yg bilang BB ku normal

6 komentar:

Desy Ling's mom mengatakan...

thanks ya, link nya...hehehe
aku juga uda coba n hasilnya normal...^^

Indira Baby Shop mengatakan...

yah indira blum 2 tahun, jadi blum bisa dicek.... hehe

Maya Siswadi mengatakan...

hihihi...jadi penasaran pengen nyoba..
jgn2 aku underweight nih

www.cuniq.co.cc (irma) mengatakan...

tfs mbak. mo coba jg ah.... :)

Mami Deven mengatakan...

ayo mba dicoba. kasih tau ya.. dan tipsnya jg kok bisa underweight..

zeeva cakranegara mengatakan...

iiih curaaaang, maunya kalkulator yg pro beratnya mami niiiih.....*mau coba tapi takut sakit ati dibilang underweight ;p